Larry Simon: Terry Riley’s “In C”

January 22, 1981
Soho News review of "Larry Simon: Terry Riley's 'In C'" by Linda Sanders
Soho News review of "Larry Simon: Terry Riley's 'In C'" by Linda Sanders
Poster for January Events
Poster for January Events
Village Voice review of Larry Simon performing Terry Riley's "In C" by Gregory Sandow
Village Voice review of Larry Simon performing Terry Riley's "In C" by Gregory Sandow
Soho News review of "Larry Simon: Terry Riley's 'In C'" by Linda Sanders
Poster for January Events
Village Voice review of Larry Simon performing Terry Riley's "In C" by Gregory Sandow
Soho News review of "Larry Simon: Terry Riley's 'In C'" by Linda Sanders
Poster for January Events
Village Voice review of Larry Simon performing Terry Riley's "In C" by Gregory Sandow