Tina Girouard

Tina Girouard, Screens, installation view, 1975

Tina Girouard, Screens, installation view, 1975

Tina Girouard, Screens, installation view, 1975. Photo: Tina Girouard.
Exhibition Description
“the eight screens are a series which move from industrially printed fabrics (Screen #1), to combinations of industrial and handmade prints, and lastly to all hand painted fabric (Screen #8). Each screen is composed of eight squares sewn together to make a two-sided painting (each side consisting of four 3′ squares forming one 6′ square). The patterns of each piece are balanced through color, drawing dynamics, or psychological power to complete a separate but equal presentation of the prints. Each side of the screen is treated as a separate painting, except in some instances where transparencies are used, giving a double exposure of pattern.” [artist’s statement]
Excerpted from Brentano, R., & Savitt, M. (1981). 112 Workshop, 112 Greene Street: History, artists & artworks. New York: New York University Press.
Tina Girouard, Screens, installation view, 1975
Tina Girouard, Screens, installation view, 1975
Tina Girouard, Screens, installation view, 1975. Photo: Tina Girouard.