Terry Berkowitz
Fleeting Images
Terry Berkowitz, Fleeting Images, installation view, 1976
Terry Berkowitz, Fleeting Images, installation view, 1976
Terry Berkowitz, Fleeting Images, installation view, 1976
Terry Berkowitz, Fleeting Images, installation view, 1976
Exhibition Description
Terry Berkowitz states, “Fleeting Images was a multi-media environment which dealt with childhood fears and how they’re translated into the adult’s perception. The piece contained a time bomb (which was placed on an X on top of the pedestal), a story on the wall (relating an actual childhood fantasy/nightmare), and a constructed room containing four mirrors and a soundtape. When a person stood on the X located in the center of the floor of the room, their image was reflected and directed in the mirrors, shortened like a child’s. The soundtape was played in this room.”
Excerpted from Brentano, R., & Savitt, M. (1981). 112 Workshop, 112 Greene Street: History, artists & artworks. New York: New York University Press.