June 21–July 28, 2001 320 West 13th StreetPerformances
June 21
Gregor Asch (DJ Olive the Audio Janitor) is known for distinctive audio collages that bring together eclectic sound sources and digital technologies.
June 26
‘cleansing your ears’ audibleview part 1 curated by o.blaat (Keiko Uenishi) featuring o.blaat (Keiko Uenishi), Marina Rosenfeld, Ikue Mori, Erin Mcgonigle & Heimo Lattner.
July 12
‘swarming!’ audibleview part 2 curated by o.blaat (Keiko Uenishi) featuring Lary 7 & Gen Ken Montgomery, Phil Kline and o.blaat (Keiko Uenishi).
July 19
theAgriculture featuring Jameson, Dj Olive, Toshio Kajiwara, Daniel Smith, Loop and others.
July 26
Sontext & David Lee Myers. Sontext presents: ‘Warped’, a synthesized large-scale acoustic and visual space. David Lee Myers performs atmospheric and evocative ‘feedback music’.