Sugar Mountain
March 29–May 12, 1996

Press Release
curated by Paul Ha and Andrea Scott
March 29 – May 12, 1996
“Oh to live on Sugar Mountain with the barkers and the colored balloons
you can’t be twenty on Sugar Mountain though you’re thinking that you’re leaving there too soon”
-Neil Young
Sugar Mountain examines the peculiar space between adolescence and adulthood, which is defined more by attitude than actual age. Whether raucous, restless or restrained, these photographs, paintings and videos exist somewhere between innocence and experience. The artists in the exhibition cull from personal experience, as well as the movies, television
and rock ‘n roll to conjure a time that may exist only in our imagination.
Including works by Rita Ackerman, Robert Beck, Cynthia Connolly, John Currin, Etai Doran, Glen Friedman, Jenny Gage, Nan Goldin, Gary Hill, Dana Hoey, Sean Landers, Lucas Michael, Chris Moore, Mark Morrisroe, Raymond Pettibon, Richard Phillips, Aaron Rose, Kevin Sullivan, Francesca Woodman and Tobin Yelland.