Stephen Laub
Relations and Constellations

Stephan Laub, Orion, installation view, 1975

Stephan Laub, My Mother in 1974 Standing Still, performance with Super8 film loop, performance view, 1975

Stephan Laub, My Father in 1974 Standing Still, performance with Super8 film loop, performance view, 1975

Stephen Laub, Relations 1972-73: My Grandparents on My Mother’s Side, In the Early 1900’s, performance view, 1975. Photo: Megan Walker.
Exhibition Description
Dressed in white, Stephen Laub “entered” life-sized projections of slides against a white wall, and aligned himself with the images until he disappeared, with the exception of his facial features. For Relations the artist incorporated slides of his family and related his personal history to the audience. For Constellations a fishnet was supported by an aluminum hoop and suspended from the ceiling. The artist assumed the various positions of zodiacal figures in the net as slides of these figures were projected from below.
Excerpted from Brentano, R., & Savitt, M. (1981). 112 Workshop, 112 Greene Street: History, artists & artworks. New York: New York University Press.
Stephan Laub, Orion, installation view, 1975
Stephan Laub, My Mother in 1974 Standing Still, performance with Super8 film loop, performance view, 1975
Stephan Laub, My Father in 1974 Standing Still, performance with Super8 film loop, performance view, 1975
Stephen Laub, Relations 1972-73: My Grandparents on My Mother’s Side, In the Early 1900’s, performance view, 1975. Photo: Megan Walker.