White Room: Judy Linn
September 9–October 15, 2005 320 West 13th Street

White Columns is proud to present an exhibition by Judy Linn. One thing is clear: we don’t see enough of Judy Linn’s work. Widely known for her early images of Robert Mapplethorpe and Patti Smith (Linn’s iconic photographs grace the cover of Smith’s 1972 book ‘Seventh Heaven’ and her 1976 album ‘Radio Ethiopia’), Linn remains a mercurial figure in the New York art world. Her photographs, which deftly avoid categorization, have, for more than three decades, described a world that exists just beyond our rational everyday. Linn’s approach and sensibility, which often seems closer to that of a painter or poet, is startlingly idiosyncratic: her images are possessed by an extraordinary economy, wit and intelligence. Focusing on seemingly mundane aspects of the social landscape – e.g. a tattoo on a man’s back, objects in a museum display, an image of an actor on a television screen, etc. – Linn’s photographs privilege and celebrate the incidental, the peripheral, the marginal, the overlooked, and the neglected. For her White Room exhibition Linn will present a discrete group of images produced over the past thirty years.
Judy Linn lives and works in New York. Previous solo and group exhibitions include Murray Guy, New York (2005); ‘Trade’, White Columns, New York (2005); Feature Inc., New York (2001, 2000, 1998, 1989); Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, Belgium (2000); Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam (1999); Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI (with Thomas Nozkowski, 1996); Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (1995); PS1, New York (1981 and 1980). Her work has appeared in such publications as G.Q., The New York Sunday Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, and Rolling Stone. Portfolios of her work have appeared in Bomb and Artforum. A publication of Linn’s work relating to this exhibition will follow. White Columns is grateful to Hudson and the staff of Feature Inc., New York, for their enthusiasm, encouragement and support of Judy Linn’s White Room exhibition.