Jane Greer, Barbara Zucker
New Work

Barbara Zucker, New Work, installation view, 1975

Barbara Zucker, New Work, installation view, 1975

Jane Greer, installation view, 1975. Photo: Eeva Inkeri.
Exhibition Description
Jane Greer exhibited work related to her on-going diary project.
Barbara Zucker’s New Work exhibited her objects which rested on the floor, hung on the walls, and descended from the ceiling. Some pieces made specific reference to the gallery features, such as pipes and electrical boxes. In one wall piece two diagonally-aligned box shapes rested on one another so that the upper third of the left section was contiguous with the lower third of the right section. Both elements had squiggly tail-like forms jutting out horizontally from points near the bottom. Materials used included cast aluminum and conduit.
Excerpted from Brentano, R., & Savitt, M. (1981). 112 Workshop, 112 Greene Street: History, artists & artworks. New York: New York University Press.
Barbara Zucker, New Work, installation view, 1975
Barbara Zucker, New Work, installation view, 1975
Jane Greer, installation view, 1975. Photo: Eeva Inkeri.