Project: Dan Ochiva
‘Jack & Kate’

Project: Dan Ochiva ‘Jack & Kate’, video still, 2015

Project: Dan Ochiva ‘Jack & Kate’, video still, 2015

Project: Dan Ochiva ‘Jack & Kate’, video still, 2015

Project: Dan Ochiva ‘Jack & Kate’, video still, 2015

Project: Dan Ochiva ‘Jack & Kate’, video still, 2015
Press Release
White Columns is proud to present in our Project space a rare screening of Dan Ochiva’s c.1982/2005 film ‘Jack & Kate’ starring Jack Smith and Kate Manheim. Filmed in the early 1980s (Ochiva thinks most likely 1982) the film’s two roles are played by Jack Smith and Kate Manheim. In the film Manheim is wearing the same wedding dress she wore in her partner Richard Foreman’s 1981 feature film ‘Strong Medicine’ for which she played the lead role of Rhoda. Ochiva was told that Kate and Jack hadn’t met before, and with no script or plan, they simply started to interact. ‘Jack & Kate’ was shot in Richard and Kate’s SoHo loft, where a screen painted by Mel Andringa for “Strong Medicine” can frequently be seen as a backdrop to the action.
Ochiva used two rolls of Kodak 16mm Tri-X black-and-white film, and the film is presented exactly as shot in camera, without any subsequent editing. Ochiva spliced the two reels together in 2005, adding only the found audio track and the blue overlay.
This presentation of ‘Jack & Kate’ runs in parallel to the exhibition of Kate Manheim’s work in our main gallery space.White Columns would like to thank Dan Ochiva, Kate Manheim and Elka Krajewska for their enthusiastic support in presenting ‘Jack & Kate’ at White Columns.
Dan Ochiva lives in New York, where he works as a journalist covering the film and television industries.
For more information:
Project: Dan Ochiva ‘Jack & Kate’, video still, 2015 (Title sequence for the film ‘Jack & Kate.’ The title is superimposed in large yellow lettering over a purple image of two men standing in front of a mirror. The men both wear keffiyehs.)
Project: Dan Ochiva ‘Jack & Kate’, video still, 2015 (A woman wearing a cheetah print head scarf adorned with pearls. She gazes intensely into the distance.)
Project: Dan Ochiva ‘Jack & Kate’, video still, 2015 (A man in a suit laying on his back with his eyes closed. He has both hands above his head, with one placed on his forehead.)
Project: Dan Ochiva ‘Jack & Kate’, video still, 2015 (A woman in a white dress laying on her back. She observes an object held in her left hand. The object appears to be a prosthetic or mannequin hand.)
Project: Dan Ochiva ‘Jack & Kate’, video still, 2015 (A woman with her tongue stuck out creeps up on a man from behind. The man appears to be wearing a keffiyeh.)