Lobby: Hilton Als ‘After Dark’
March 18–April 22, 2017Press Release
White Columns is proud to present a display of the first six issues of Hilton Als’ new publication
‘After Dark’.
In a statement about the origins of ‘After Dark’ Als’ said:
“many years ago i wanted to publish a broad sheet called AFTER DARK after the wonderful old tacky show biz seventies rag that would feature one photo a month with text on the back. life intruded. it didn’t happen. in the last couple of years i began seeing posters around nyc that grabbed my attention. they were for richard maxwell performances, and i loved image and text. i asked RM who did the work, and he told me a friend of his named michael. i contacted michael and within weeks we were working together. (we’ve never met, he lives in LA.) i had loved and coveted this saul leiter picture ever since i saw it at his gallery shortly before he died. i didn’t think we could get it, but contacted leiter’s estate anyway. they were great, gave us permission right away. the text i had written some time ago. and we were off. we will be printing soon, and i hope that friends with galleries and other spaces can carry the paper (it’s printed on newsprint and folds up) and maybe a few bookstores. i’m not charging money for it, it’s just my little gallery on wheels every month featuring photographers and artists (drawings look beautiful on this kind of paper, too) and with a little text by me or someone else (poetry, three sentences, a thousand words, a song lyric) on the other side of the image. that’s the basic idea/thing. a little gallery on wheels with its own catalogue. you can send suggestions or people to me or Michael – who also is an excellent copy editor, i’m not – here for future issues. love, hilton.”
The first five issues of ‘After Dark’ were originally presented at White Columns as a part of ‘Looking Back: The 11th White Columns Annual’ curated by Anne Doran. (January 14 – March 4, 2017.)
For further information about this exhibition contact: info@whitecolumns.org
Gallery hours: Tuesday – Saturday / Noon – 6pm.
White Columns
320 West 13th Street
New York NY 10014
Hilton Als ‘After Dark’, installation view, 2017 (Fourteen selections from After Dark installed along two adjacent walls in the lobby of a gallery, beside the stairs. Six are installed to the left, and eight are to the right.)
Hilton Als ‘After Dark’, installation view, 2017 (Fourteen selections from After Dark installed along two adjacent walls in the lobby of a gallery, beside the stairs. Six are installed to the left, and eight are to the right.)