Heresies Rummage Sale and Skills Auction

February 26, 1977

Carolee Schneeman, Americana I Ching Apple Pie, 1977

Participating Artists

Patsy Beckert
Joan Braderman
Mary Beth Edelson
Harmony Hammond
Elizabeth Hess
Joyce Kozloff
Arlene Ladden
Lucy Lippard
Marty Pottenger
Miriam Shapiro
Pat Steir
Joan Synder
Elke Solomon
May Stevens
Susana Torre
Elizabeth Weatherford
Sally Webster
Nina Yankowitz

Exhibition Description

This sale and auction of services and skills was for the benefit of the Heresies Collective, publishers of Heresies: A Feminist Publication on Art and Politics. Entre-acte micro-performances included Carolee Schneeman’s American I Ching Apple Pie and a performance by Theodora Skipitares who stood in front of a projected slide of a mosaic of Empress Theodora from Ravenna while an audiotape played relating an autobiographical incident which occurred in Greece.

Excerpted from Brentano, R., & Savitt, M. (1981). 112 Workshop, 112 Greene Street: History, artists & artworks. New York: New York University Press.

Related Material

Poster for Heresies Rummage Sale and Skills Auction, 1977

Carolee Schneeman, Americana I Ching Apple Pie, 1977