Francesc Torres

December 10–22, 1977 112 Greene Street/Workshop

Exhibition Description

Accident, a multimedia installation, consisted of film, sound, and a motorcycle painted red, encircled by a maze of upright 2×4’s. Each of the 2×4 stakes had a xerox of a photograph of the artist urinating on the motorcycle. A film loop of the artist eating bread was projected in a sweeping arc against the walls. “When a vehicle such as a motorcycle appears in dreams, it is psychoanalytically speaking, a means to accomplish an end. Consequently, the symbolic connection, vehicle-ideology, can be established. This installation dealt with parameters of behavior such as power, territoriality, politics, group dynamics, and social change.” [artist’s statement]

Excerpted from Brentano, R., & Savitt, M. (1981). 112 Workshop, 112 Greene Street: History, artists & artworks. New York: New York University Press.

Press Release

Press release for Francesc Torres, Accident, 1977

Related Material

Invitation recto for Francesc Torres, Accident, 1977

Invitation verso for Francesc Torres, Accident, 1977