Ecstatic Peace Poetry Journal – Issue #10
January 15–February 27, 2010

Press Release
White Columns is proud to present Ecstatic Peace Poetry Journal, Issue #10: an exhibition, publication, and a series of readings and performances.
Artist, musician, poet and publisher Thurston Moore began editing and producing Ecstatic Peace Poetry Journal in 2001 as a forum to publish poetry by individuals who intersected the worlds of poetry, music and art. A dynamic range of writings, with various pages of visual work by Gerard Malanga, Richard Meltzer, Chan Marshall, Dennis Cooper, Kathleen Hanna, John Sinclair, Richard Hell, Jutta Koether, Gus van Sant, Rick Moody, Kim Gordon, Anne Waldman, Bill Berkson, Anselm Berrigan, Gary Panter and many others were published in eight issues in as many years.
Moore was inspired to publish Ecstatic Peace Poetry Journal after years of appreciation, study and relentless archiving of post-war poetry publishing focusing on the activity of the “mimeo revolution”; of the 60s and 70s. The stapled mimeo poetry journals produced from the St. Mark’s Poetry Project, Peace Eye Bookstore in New York City, and Asphodel Bookstore in Cleveland, Ohio, as well as a myriad of other subterranean centers of shared post-beat writing, rage, meditation and experimentation continues to inform the publication of Ecstatic Peace Poetry Journal.
Issue #10 of Ecstatic Peace Poetry Journal will be published and presented at White Columns as an expanded event/exhibition. A stapled issue will be created during the show. Pages from each of the ten journals will be exhibited as enlarged wall pieces, including the heretofore unpublished issue #9, [in keeping with the journals every-third-issue a theme issue, i.e., #3 was themed “cunnilingus”, #6 was “punk,” -with #9’s theme “pot”]. The main gallery space will feature a selection of historical poetry publications from the last fifty years culled from Moore’s own library, including original editions of Amphora, Change, Coldspring Journal, Copkiller, Fervent Valley, Free Poems Amongst Friends, Gaslight Poetry Review, Kauri, Klactovedesteen, LA-BAS, Outburst, Stance, Sum, The Willie, Trobar, Yowl and more.
Working as co-editor on many aspects of Ecstatic Peace Poetry Journal, including this exhibition is writer Byron Coley, formidable musicologist, essayist, poet and producer of music and literary arcana, ephemera and beyond. Select pieces from Moore and Coley’s catalogue will be reprinted in limited states for this exhibition. Eva Prinz, editor, co-publisher of Ecstatic Peace Library and curator of Radical Living Papers: Free Press 1965-75 (2007) brings additional organizational and creative force to Issue #10 as a gallery event.
Reading and performance schedule:
Friday January 15th:
6-8pm. Opening performance: Northampton Wools (Thurston Moore, Chris Corsano, Bill Nace)
Saturday January 23rd
7-9pm. Reading: John Giorno, Byron Coley. Performance: Thurston Moore
Friday February 5th
7-9pm. Reading: Edmund Berrigan, Anselm Berrigan. Performance: Thurston Moore
Friday February 19th
7-9pm. Reading: Richard Hell, Dorothea Lasky. Music: Thurston Moore + guest
Thursday February 25th
7-9pm. Reading: Thurston Moore and Anne Waldman accompanied by musicians Ambrose Bye and Devin Waldman
All performances and readings are free, admission on a first-come basis.
Contributors to Ecstatic Peace Poetry Journal No. 1-9:
Holly Anderson, Alan Arenius, Barbara Barg, Bill Berkson, David Berman, Bree, Wallace Berman, Anselm Berrigan, Edmund Berrigan, Noel Black, Douglas Blazek, Carla Bozulich, Jack Brewer, Lenny Bruce, Christina Carter, Lisa Carver, Sharon Cheslow, Ira Cohen, Byron Coley, Loren [Mazzacane] Connors, Clark Coolidge, Dennis Cooper, Diego Cortez, Steve Dalachinsky, Georganne Deen, Niki Elliot, John Fahey, Pat Fear, Marie Frankland, Stefano Giovanini, Kim Gordon, Tom Greenwood, S.A. Griffin, Chris Habib, Kathleen Hanna, Twig Harper, Richard Hell, Nick Henry, Ione, Angela Jaeger, Elaine Kahn, David Keenan, Anne-Laure Keib, Richard Kern, Tim Kerr, J. D. King, Kira, Gary Kizer, Jutta Koether, Richard Kostelanetz, Maria Kozik, Richard Krech, Tuli Kupferberg, Kyle Lapidus, Lyn Lifshin, Linda Lerner, Louise Landes Levi, Alan Licht, Karen Lollypop, Lydia Lunch, Ian MacKaye, Gerard Malanga, Dave Markey, Chan Marshall, Gillian McCain, Vince Meghrouni, Richard Meltzer, Maria Mirabal, Rick Moody, George Moore, R. Moore, Thurston Moore, John Morton, Heather Leigh Murray, Eileen Myles, Bill Nace, Ian Nagoski, Hoa Nguyen, Pete Nolan, Dave Nuss, Dylan Nyoukis, Patty Oldenburg, Jeni Olin, Paulin Oliveros, Roberto Opalio, Maurizio Opalio, Gary Panter, Savage Pencil, Charles Plymell, Charles Potts, Edwin Pouncy, June Price, Lee Ranaldo, Joanne Robertson, Gus van Sant, Lynne Savitt, Dan Seward, David Shapiro, Ally Sheedy, Wally Shoup, Leni Sinclair, John Sinclair, Dale Smith, Tom Smith, TV Smitm, Fiona Smyth, Mali Thep, Susie Timmons, Kitty Tomahawk, Chris Touchton, Laki Vazakas, Janine Pommy Vega, Anne Waldman, Weasel Walter, Wooden Wand, Matthew Wascovich, Mike Watt, Valerie Beth Weber, Valerie Webber, Jocko Weyland, Nathan Whiting, A. D. Winans, Joanna Yas, Emma N. Young