Clive Hodgson
March 4–April 19, 2014
Clive Hodgson, installation view, 2014

Clive Hodgson, installation view, 2014

Clive Hodgson, installation view, 2014

Clive Hodgson, installation view, 2014

Clive Hodgson
Untitled, 2014
Oil on canvas
34 × 32 in.

Clive Hodgson
Untitled, 2012
Oil on canvas
18 × 15 1/2 in.

Clive Hodgson
Untitled, 2012
Oil on canvas
42 × 37.5 in.
Press Release
White Columns is proud to present the first exhibition in the United States by the British painter Clive Hodgson (b. 1953.) Featuring works produced over the past five years Hodgson’s essentially abstract paintings typically privilege both their date of making and the artist’s name or signature as prominent and recurring motifs. Aligning the melancholic daily realities of On Kawara with a decidedly informal take on formalism – not unlike that of the late Raoul De Keyser – Hodgson’s paintings, in the words of artist Carol Rhodes “build to a concerted interrogation of the puzzles of art and life.” Hodgson recently had a solo exhibition in 2012 at Carlton Place, Glasgow – a space founded by artists Merlin James and Carol Rhodes. White Columns presented Hodgson’s work at ‘Sunday’ in London and at NADA, Miami in 2013.
Clive Hodgson, installation view, 2014 (Six abstract paintings of various sizes are hung on adjacent white walls, with three on each wall. All are oriented vertically.)
Clive Hodgson, installation view, 2014 (Four colorful abstract paintings are installed on unjoined two walls, with two works on each wall. All are oriented vertically, and from left to right, there are two of the same large size, one medium, and one very large.)
Clive Hodgson, installation view, 2014 (Two abstract paintings hang on a white wall. On the left is a larger work with a muted pink background and muted blue and dark gray motifs, and on the right is a smaller work painted in the same shade of blue with dark gray motifs.)
Clive Hodgson, installation view, 2014 (Nine medium sized paintings of various dimensions and orientations are arranged on a white wall in two rows, five above and four below. The colors used are shades of gray, beige, and some red, and most of the works are abstract with shared motifs of dots, years, and the artist’s name.)
Clive Hodgson, Untitled, 2014, Oil on canvas, 34 × 32 in. (A painting hung on a white wall. The background has a light wash of muted pink, and there are blue marks and groups of small black lines in the foreground. The signature and year are circled in black in the center.)
Clive Hodgson, Untitled, 2012, Oil on canvas, 18 × 15 1/2 in. (An abstract painting with a light gray-blue background. Straight, dark gray lines intersect and form triangular shapes throughout the composition, and swirls of light gray are interspersed in the bottom left.)
Clive Hodgson, Untitled, 2012, Oil on canvas, 42 × 37.5 in. (An abstract painting with a muted pink background and a thin black border. The year and artist’s signature are integrated in the composition amongst long, dark gray lines of various sizes and directions, some highlighted with a muted blue, black dots, and small spirals.)