White Room: Carina Brandes
March 3–April 14, 2012

Press Release
White Columns is proud to present the first New York solo exhibition by the Berlin-based artist Carina Brandes. For her White Room exhibition Brandes will present an installation of photographic works produced over the past five years. Brandes’ black and white images, invariably modest in scale, depict the artist, either alone or more recently in concert with other female participants, creating photographic mise-en-scenes, isolated moments that in turn invoke larger narrative forces. Suggestive of performance documentation – Viennese Actionism comes to mind – Brandes’ work explores the elusive spaces between the self and its subsequent representation. Carina Brandes work was the subject of a solo exhibition at BQ, Berlin (2011). A publication, with an essay by Anna Grande, is available from White Columns, priced $15.
For more information please contact info@whitecolumns.org