Benefit Readings for 112 Workshop: April 25 – 27, 1978

April 25–27, 1978

Participating Artists

Joe Brainard
Constance De Jong
Fran Lebowitz
Les Levine
Taylor Mead
Charlemagne Palestine



Exhibition Description

April 25, 1978 / LES LEVINE and CHARLEMAGNE PALESTINE: “exclusion vs. inclusion”    The artists engaged in a performance dialogue over a candle-lit desk top. Two members of the audience were recruited to sit on chairs on top of the desk, facing the audience.

April 26, 1978 / JOE BRAINARD and FRAN LEBOWITZ     Joe Brainard read from his poetry, and Fran Lebowitz read from her recently published book Metropolitan Life.

April 27, 1978 / CONSTANCE DE JONG and TAYLOR MEAD    Taylor Mead read selections from his poetry and casually removed and tried on various wigs from a shopping bag at his side. Constance De Jong recited a long selection from her narrative writing, which she had committed to memory.

Excerpted from Brentano, R., & Savitt, M. (1981). 112 Workshop, 112 Greene Street: History, artists & artworks. New York: New York University Press.

Press Release

Press release from "Benefit Readings for 11 Workshop: April 25 - 27, 1978"
Press release from "Benefit Readings for 11 Workshop: April 25 - 27, 1978"

Related Material

Poster from "Benefit Readings for 11 Workshop: April 25 - 27, 1978"

Poster for Benefit Readings for 112 Workshop, 1978

Advertisement for Benefit Readings for 112 Workshop, 1978