Begin Again Right Back Here, curated by B. Wurtz
September 10–October 25, 2008
Blue box, yellow line

Apron no. 5

Candle Holders

Blue Angel

Incidentally Neutered


"Hotel Theory"

Ordinary Men

Slumped Against the Rock


Res #4


Case Study 67



John Beech, Anna Castelli, Taylor Davis, Vincent Fecteau, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Wayne Koestenbaum and Greenblatt-Wexler, Fawn Krieger, Michael Krumenacker, Sol LeWitt, Gareth Moore, Richard Rezac, Robert Rhee, Sterling Ruby, Nancy Shaver, Diane Simpson, Ceasar Stoffi, Alan Wiener
White Columns is pleased to present ‘Begin Again Right Back Here,’ a group exhibition curated by the artist B. Wurtz.
About the exhibition Wurtz has stated: “The inspiration for this exhibition comes out of a fascination with the ambiguous sense of scale and open-ended interpretation offered by certain objects in the world. Japanese bonsai would be a good starting point, but then one could move through children’s blocks, and even end up with the written word. Parallel universes, macrocosms, microcosms? Associations can form in the mind’s eye. Take for example Marcel Duchamp’s “Fountain” (urinal-turned-artwork) and the Trevi Fountain in Rome.
The participants in the exhibition are artists, designers, and a writer. All of the pieces on display are three-dimensional and there is one work per participant. The book, Hotel Theory/Hotel Women, is perhaps the most conceptual object in the show. It is in fact two stories in one, running in two columns with different typefaces down each page. As one reads the book each column becomes like one of two miniature hotels across the street from each other, with activities taking place in both.
It is in the spirit of possibility that this exhibition was put together. Were the participants thinking about bonsai or blocks as they worked on their pieces? Maybe, maybe not. Regardless—all of it—the sculptures, the design objects, the book, are there, ready to stimulate one’s imagination.”
B. Wurtz (b. 1948) is a New York-based artist. His work has been shown extensively over the past thirty years. Recent solo exhibitions include: Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles (2007); 871 Fine Arts, San Francisco (2007); and Feature Inc., New York (2006), amongst others. In 2006 onestar press in Paris published his artist’s book ‘Blocks.’ ‘Begin Again Right Back Here’ is his first curatorial project, and continues White Columns’ commitment to artist-curated exhibitions.
Blue box, yellow line
Apron no. 5
Candle Holders
Blue Angel
Incidentally Neutered
"Hotel Theory"
Ordinary Men
Slumped Against the Rock
Res #4
Case Study 67