White Columns Online - curated by Sahal Hassan
White Columns

GMT curated by
Sahal Hassan

A hand holds a rock pierced with a metal arrow protruding out towards a grassy suburban homefront.
Ewa Sadowska, Potential work, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.

Participating Artists Include:

Tony Bluestone
Colleen RJC Bratton
Emily DiCarlo
Sara Dittrich
Lilly Handley
Julie Harrison
Ariel Helyes
Devin T Mays
Steve Oliver
Bradley Pitts
Matt Ritani
Ewa Sadowska
Marian B. Smith
Alec Snow
Vy Trịnh

The eighteenth in an ongoing series of online exhibitions.

GMT was curated exclusively from White Columns’ Curated Artist Registry.

Only viewable online: whitecolumns.org

For more information about White Columns’ Artists Registry: registry.whitecolumns.org

White Columns
91 Horatio Street
New York, NY 10014
Tuesday–Saturday, 11 AM–6 PM